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4F&H Fat Burner: Diet / Meal Plan                                                   

Low Calorie Diets Are The Worst
Way To Build A Better, Lean Healthy Body


New “Hybrid Training” Methods Forces Your Body To Build Lean Muscle Now..

Instead Of Ugly Puffy Muscles Covered With Fat And Zero Definition


     My FREE Training And Diet Plan!

     by Marxis

Feel free to take this as an late Christmas gift, because such programs are usually QUITE CHARGED, P90X, Insanity, Six Pack Shorkuts all about 90 dollars and more... but after I saw so many unsuccessful weight loss attempts at the gym thrue the years, expensive gym memberships and weigth loss programs I decided to give you this program for free.


This program can work both for women and men. Also, this program is for beginners or experienced exercisers. It is also important to note that the fat loss depends on your current weight and body fat, so it is unrealistic to expect that someone wighin 220 pounds and  170 pounds will lose the same. It also depends on genetics, gender, job, lifestyle, etc... but i can guarantee you, you will lose lots of fat!! Under the condition of course that you follow everything written here.


Lose 10 pounds of fat in 5 weeks?? Even though I do not like titles of this type, especially becauce 99% of them are just marketing tricks and lies, in this article I will show you that this is possible. I wll gide you step by step thru your diet and workout. And most importantly you will be wasting fat and not muscle as in great majority of diets. If you think that it is just 10 pounds, and it does not sound much to you, well you are wrong, because I am talking about 10 pounds of fat and that is a lot!


Since the muscle weighs more than fat , most people that want to lose some weight, mostly practise a diet with a minimum intake of calories , from 800-1200 cal , and they lose weight because they lose muscle at the same time ( mostly ) and fat ( to a lesser extent ). But that is not important to most of them, it is important that the scale shows less every day ( another great stupidity , daily weighing ) . And than after 30-45 days when they finish the diet, the weith comes back. And even though most know that principe, they can not resist the path of least resistance .

Please, remember once for all times : low-calorie diets are not the solution and never will be ! There are no shortcut to success!


Yes , you should reduce your calorie intake , but little by little and start with 15-20 % less than the required daily intake and not immediately by 50% or more!


Let's start with the diet because it is usually the biggest problem for most of us :


You need to know how many calories you need for daily functioning . It's amazing how many people have no idea what they TDEE is, nor how many calories a day to eat .. :)


  • BMR ( how many calories you can burn every day doing nothing )

  • TDEE ( your total daily calorie consumption )




On the internet you can find many calculators where you can calculate how many calories you burn daily . Here's one example :


You also need to know how many calories are in the food you eat.

Here's one example :



When we get the BMR (the number of calories we burn doing nothing ) , we multiply it by the level of activity to get the final figure ( TDEE ) .



Now we know how many calories we burn each day. Since we have only five weeks, and our goal is to maintain muscle mass and melt the fat, we must use the most effective method for weight loss. Most do not know about this method , but it has been tried many times with great success. It is a zig-zag method of smaller and larger number of calories.


This means : the number that we get to TDEE , we will subtract 30 %.


This figure will serve us to lower the calories that we eat three days in a row .


Every fourth day we eat the number of calories that we get when we subtract 10 % of the number that we get to TDEE.


example :


Male, 30 years old, 180 cm (5 feet or 10.86 inches), 100 kg (220 pounds) who exercises moderate 3x a week has TDEE 3315 cal.


  • low calorie days (3 days in a row ) he will eat 30 % less than this amount, approximately 2300 cal.

  • high calorie days ( every fourth day ) he will eat 10 % less than TDEE , a 3000 cc cal.

  • so three days he will eat 2300kal , and every fourth 3000 cal a day.



This method of weight loss is not only very effective , but also much easier, because the person can every fourth day relax a bit and eat more.















Meal plan



Most people have problems with eating more than three meals a day. It is true that we live in very stressful times and we are working longer and longer, but it's all a matter of organization and nothing more. Most people are lazy and do not like anything that requires discipline and sacrifice.


That's why they sleep up to 30 minutes before work, as they get out of bed drink their coffee and then rush to getto the work. And then about 10 or 11 h eat something from the bakery that keeps them up to lunch around 4 - 5 pm. After that they eat nothing, because they heard that dinner should be avoided if you want to lose weight or to feel hungry at 22 hours and make a purge in the fridge.


You wonder why you get fat, but eat eat a little. Sound familiar ?


Believe me there is no other way than to make a menu for 7 days. Put a note on your fridge so you exectly know what you will eat the next day, so you can prepare. Anything else just will not give results, do not be stubborn!

I recommend that you prepare all the food on virgin coconut oil, odorless and tasteless. It does not change the composition when its heated and it is rich in fiber.


So how would such a menu look like ( this is just an example, customize it for yourself, it is important that you eat five meals every 3-4 hours ) :



For days with low calories :


Immediately after waking up green tea with lemon squeezed


  • 7:00 pm morning shake ( in a blender put oatmeal , scoop of protein , flax seeds , water 3 glases )

  • 10:00 apple + almonds or walnuts

  • 13:00 chicken or turkey breast with boiled potatoes or rice and vegetables integral

  • 16:00 low fat cheese with rice cookies

  • 17:30 pm ordinary coffee or green tea without sugar

  • 18:00 Training

  • 19.00 bushels of proteins with water + banana

  • 20:30 mackerel , anchovies or tuna salad



For days with high calories :


Immediately after waking up green tea with lemon squeezed


  • 7:00 pm integral toast and eggs ( boiled or omelet )

  • 10:00  Energy tiles

  • 1:00am lasagna or integral pasta with tuna

  • 4:00 peanut butter with whole-wheat bread

  • 5:30 pm ordinary coffee or green tea without sugar

  • 6:00 Training

  • 7:00 bushels of proteins with water + banana

  • 8:30 white fish of your choice with Swiss chard or vegetables as desired



No big deal , right? You just need to organize things!


Once you get your target number of calories, divide it into portions, for example, if your daily goal is 1800 cal share it ; 600 breakfast, lunch, 500, 400 dinner, snacks per 150 cal.


Your breakfast should be the bigest meal of the day. Of course if you train in the morning you can eat before a workout or later.


On days when you do not train , you do not need to drink a shake after training course.

     Diet / Meal Plan

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