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Tapioca with coconut milk and strawberry compote (gluten-free)

• Composition:

1 cup corn meal, 200 grams of tofu, 3 cups of apple juice and apple bits, 12 tablespoons rice malt, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, a pinch of salt, 1/2 cup toasted hazelnuts or hazelnut butter.

• Preparation:

Warm apple juice (with bits of apple) and when hot add to it, stirring, corn grits. When it boils, reduce heat and simmer for ten minutes on low heat.


Mash, crumble tofu and stir it lemon juice and sugar. Combine corn meal and tofu, stir well.


Remove from heat. Slightly grease the bottom and sides of glass or ceramic bowl and sprinkle with crumbled toasted hazelnuts.


Pour the pudding into a bowl and put it to cool. Cut into slices and serve. Pleasant!



Necessary ingredients you can easily get here:





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